Christian Regenbrecht, PhD

ASC Oncology
Christian Regenbrecht, PhD

Christian is a molecular biologist by training. After a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Genetics, he became a research group leader at the Institute of Pathology at the Charité University Hospital in Berlin. In this position, Christian provided the consortium with patient-derived 3D cell culture models as part of the IMI Oncotrack initiative. Based on this, Christian initially founded CELLphenomics in 2014 as a service provider for the industry. In 2019, he founded ASC Oncology together with his partner, the lawyer Quirin Adelmann, and offers doctors and patients drug screenings on individual tumour models. Patients come from all over the world. From Australia to Finland. Together with major clinics in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Christian is negotiating with health insurance companies about regular coverage of the costs of functional precision oncology.

As part of his work for SFPM, Christian wants to bring together the interests of commercial players and open up the market on both sides of the Atlantic. In doing so, it is important for him to work together with academic institutions, private hospitals and regulatory authorities on the one hand, but especially with patients and their doctors on the other. Only together can all those involved ensure that functional precision medicine becomes a reality for everyone today rather than tomorrow.